Welcome to my site! So happy you are empowered to make your health and wellness a priority.
LuAnn Reilly-Samson
Certified Aromatherapist
I am a certified aromatherapist with a passion for natural and organic living. My deep connection with essential oils inspired me to pursue education in Aromatherapy and create Joyful Heart Aromatics. The use of essential oils has brought about positive changes in my life, and I would be delighted to share this knowledge with you.

​I am LuAnn, a Certified Aromatherapist with the tools to help you reach your health and wellness goals. I received my education from Aromahead Institute and am NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) Level 2 Certified Professional Aromatherapist. More recently I have completed the Labcannamist Pro course by LabAroma, another approved NAHA school.
As an expert in aromatherapy, let me help you find your happy, less stressed state, help you lessen your pain and soothe your emotions.
Aromatherapy Education and Memberships:
Mother Nature has bestowed upon us some of the most potent gifts in the form of trees and plants. This has been acknowledged since ancient times, and plants and herbs have been the foundation of herbal and botanical medicine for thousands of years.

Aromatherapy Certification Program- Aromahead Institute of Essential Oil Studies
Essential Oil Specialist - Aromahead Institute of Essential Oil Studies
Anatomy and Physiology for Aromatherapy Certification Course - Aromahead Institute of Essential Oil Studies
Aromatherapy for Natural Living Course- Aromahead Institute of Essential Oil Studies
Component Blending Course- Aromahead Institute of Essential Oil Studies
How To Protect Your Family From Colds & Flu Using Essential Oils Course- Aromahead Institute
LabCannamist Pro - Labaroma
Level 2: NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
Professional Member of the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetic Guild, Inc.